March - Municipal Building
April - School –
May - Shopping –

More future Theme day topics and a complete list of previous theme days may be found HERE.

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Please remember in the "Caption or title" box, to fill thus:~NAME - CITY - COUNTRY ~ and NOT your post title!.

Sunday, 29 December 2013

JANUARY GALLERY - Photo of the Year


Many of the thumbnails in the gallery below are missing.  This is beyond our control and is due to a technical failure on the part of our third party Linky provider, which has in turn apologised and taken steps to prevent a reoccurrence of this error.

We can only be embarrassed by this glitch, and while we have attempted to manually create new photo thumbnails to every post link we are powerless to correct the situation and apologise that some images may not match the original post. Please note that where a thumbnail is missing, the original blog post can still be visited by clicking on the space where the image should be.

This linky list is now closed.


Merisi said...

I hope I did nothing wrong by posting already. Usually, I miss the cut-off. ;-)

A very Happy New Year to all of you,
and a special thank you to the very real people "CDP Elves" behind the stage,

Mersad said...

Looking forward to the contributions, I think we will see lots of great images under the helm of this theme.

Mersad Donko Photography

Dina said...

Wishing all my fellow bloggers a good 2014 full of photo ops.

City Daily Photo - Taking you around the world every day.