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Saturday 30 June 2012


Chimneys atop terrace houses bordering Centennial Park in Sydney, Australia.

The City Daily Photo Blog (CDPB) portal is down again this month, apparently in search of another host. Keep in touch via Facebook, and if you wish, link your post here to endeavour to keep in touch. There is no randomising of images in this list. The random facility makes it difficult to keep track of who you have visited and who not. So they always stay in the same order. Sorry.


Dina said...

Thanks for helping us out again, Julie.
Your row of chimneys is beautiful.
Imagine living in a country with almost no chimneys, like Israel.

cieldequimper said...

Thanks Julie! This is VERY much like the Versailles cousins coming up!

Julie said...

I will watch out for he 'Versailles Cousins', Ciel ... I am heavily into this sort of thing.

Anonymous said...

One can only be grateful for your effort. Thank you very much. Please have a good new month ahead.

Jo said...

Great work again Julie in keeping everyone in touch :)

T. Becque said...

Thanks so much for keeping us all running! Great chimney pic too!

Hull and Hereabouts said...

Thanks once again Julie. What would we do without you?

VP said...

Thanks Julie!

Ann said...

Thanks for doing this again, Julie. Wonder what's wrong with the portal this time.

Joan Elizabeth said...

I tried to link mine twice and it isn't showing up. I dare not try again in case they appear.

Thanks for coming to the rescue again.

Julie said...

S'okay ... I will remove one of them.

Gerald (SK14) said...

a great array of chimneys turning up - for those asking about the portal it is apparantly being moved to a new hosting company.

Unknown said...

Once again I forgot about theme day until I got your message yesterday. Then, I've checked my archives and I found this one that fits in today. :-) Thank you, Julie! I love the photo you've chosen.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
slim said...

Those interesting chimneys are what I imagined inwhile reading Diskens' novels.

Thank you for keeping CDPB" theme day" going, Julie.

Julie said...

My pleasure, Slim.

Regina K said...

Thanks Julie!!!! Wonderful shot of such beautiful group of chimneys. It does look like Versailles cousin!


I completely forgot July was here - thank you so much for doing this! I love your chimney rows, such a marvelous photo!

TheChieftess said...

Not quite a chimney in the classic sense...but Petrea of Pasadena City Daily Photo convinced me it's close enough!!!

Julie said...

Yes, I reckon that 'smoking like a chimney' most definitely qualifies!

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