March - Municipal Building
April - School –
May - Shopping –

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Saturday, 20 August 2016


Big, small, majestic, cozy, traditional or modern libraries reflect our hometowns. Some are full of books from the opening of their era and some are -- dare we say it? -- bookless. Show us your favourite library or your town's newest library. 

Susan Kelly provides this month’s theme.  Susan has been part of CDP since moving to Jinan, China, in 2010. By day she teaches English and has started graduate studies online through the University of Illinois' Graduate School of Library Science.

Susan has been blogging with CDP since 2011 at Jinan Daily Photo, which ran out of free space, so she continues recording the "City of Springs" at Jinan Daily Photo: the Sequel.  The attached photo is of the Jinan Public Library built in 2013.  This month’s theme brings together Susan’s love of photography, Jinan and libraries. 

This linky list is now closed.

Please remember in the "Caption or title" box, to fill thus: <name - city - country> Don't fill your post title as it will be visible in your blog header!

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